“As-Is” is seller shorthand for, “Don’t ask me to fix anything.”

Just because a home is being sold “as is” doesn’t mean you don’t have an Inspection Period. Depending on how the contract is written, you can usually still cancel a contract during the Inspection Period even if the home is being sold “as-is.”

Listing a home “as is” is just the seller telling potential buyers that he does not intend to make any repairs to the property.

Nevertheless, if your purchase contract contains an Inspection Period – and most do – then you will likely have an opportunity to inspect the property and you will be able to cancel the contract and get a full refund of your earnest money if you don’t like what you find.

This Tip is, of course, just a thumbnail of one aspect of the super complex inspection and due diligence processes seen in most Arizona home purchases. Call me if you have any questions.

NEXT TIP >> How much earnest money should I put down?


How to Buy an Arizona Home – All Tips